Monday, December 21, 2009

New word? Merchantithe / Mercantithe

- noun - The goods or services, which are marked by the vendor promising to contribute a share of the profits to a charitable organization.

- verb - The act of contributing a share of a business's profits to a charitable organization


- adjective - Describing the industry centered around moving a share of profits from a business to a charitable organization, and the marketing thereof.

A friend of mine (Mary Ann Dimand, pastor and economist) posted on Facebook that she was searching for a single word for charitable profit pledging, and we came up with the above. As a new word that nobody is using, the definition is still in flux.

This is the first thing that looked like a word, that I've tried to Google and came up dry. I thought you could submit any string of nonsense to the search engine and someone, sometime, would have typed it into a web page.

Of course, by posting this, I think that mercantithe and merchantithe will now show up... in if nowhere else.

Since I am a computer professional, and mildly interested how people themselves behave, it will be interesting to see what comes next. I predict one of three scenarios:

1) The Lead Balloon - merchantithe will disappear into the blogosphere.

2) The Internet Effect - I will get a hundred responses, over the course of several years, from people pointing out how there is a perfectly good word already for this, that I am corrupting the English language by inventing a word, that Dictionaries are Prescriptive vs. Descriptive, and that I need enlargement or reduction of various body parts while paying low interest rates.

3) The word will actually spread, slowly, and fill a need for a small number of people. It may actually get added to some misguided slang or "urban" dictionary.

Any result will be informative.


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